We serve the God of overwhelming, overflowing abundance (Ps. 50:10-11; 24:1; Hag. 2:8-9).

We serve the God of excess without stress (Eph. 3:20)
God does not just do what is enough; He always does what is more than enough.
‘I serve the God of the overflow! Everything about my life must overflow!’
It is too late for the devil to hold down what is yours


  1. Overflow during the construction of the tabernacle in the wilderness (Ex. 36:5-7)
  2. Overflow by the covenant (Lev. 26:8-10)
  3. The overflow gold that looked for Solomon (1 Kings 10:14-23)
  4. The overflow for the widow of Zarephath (the unfinishable meal of the widow of Zarephath) (1 Kings 17:13-15)
  5. The overflow Oil for the prophet’s widow (2 Kings 4:1-6)
    It is never an issue with God to make supplies available; it only an issue with man, whether man has the capacity to receive what God is releasing!
  6. Overflow of food at the gate of Samaria (2 Kings 6:25; 7:1-10)
  7. Overflow on the battlefield (2 Chron. 20:25-26)
  8. Overflow from the Shepherd (Ps. 23:1-6)
  9. Overflow at the Lake of Gennesaret (Luke 5:1-7)
    It was a net-breaking, ship sinking miracle
  10. Overflow at the wedding in Cana of Galilee (John 2:1-11)
  11. Overflow in the feeding of the multitudes in the wilderness (John 6:9-13)
  12. Overflow resources with the Master Jesus despite Judas (John 12:4-6)
    It was a net-breaking, ship sinking miracle


  1. The vision and revelation of the overflow (Gen. 13:14-15; Deut. 29:29)
    This is coming to the point where you can see it and perceive it
    The limit of revelation is the limit of manifestation
    Mental limitation must give way for you to experience destiny explosion
  2. Connection to Divine instruction (Job 22:21-25; John 2:7; Luke 5:4; Gen. 26:2; 12:1)
    God knows where your overflow is, so He is the One that can tell you where to pour your energy and resources to get results
    Don’t live your life by trial and error, live your life by direct instruction from God.
  3. Absolute, unquestionable obedience
    i. Obedience is compliance with an order, request or law
    ii. Obedience is submission to another’s authority (Deut. 28:1-3)

i. Lifestyle (character) (Job 22:21-25)
ii. Kingdom service (Ex. 23:25)
iii. Soul-winning assignment (Luke 22:35)
iv. Covenant practice of sowing and reaping (2 Cor. 9:6-8)
Abundance answers to obedience


  1. Obey promptly (Eccl. 11:4)
  2. Obey excitedly (Deut. 28:47)
  3. Obey willingly
  4. Obey tirelessly (Gal. 6:9)
  5. Obey completely (Deut. 28:1-2)
    Don’t rob God of the chance to show what He can do through your life (2 Chron. 16:9; Isa. 61:9; Mal. 3:8) PRAYERS
  • I speak right now against every generational, family, destiny embargo and mental limitation, by the speakings of the Blood of Jesus, they are broken, in Jesus’ Name!
  • The grace to see what God is showing, that grace is released upon you right now!
  • The grace to hear what God is saying, where your overflow is, that grace is released upon you right now!
  • The grace to obey in lifestyle, Kingdom service, soul winning, sowing and reaping is released upon you!
  • In these 2024, you shall not be found wanting; that Lord will give you multiplied results!
  • This month of January 2024 is opened for you!
  • Any curse that followed you here is swallowed by the Blessing!
  • You will not be cut short before your time! Every death looking for you will catch those who sent that death!
  • You will not be the victim of shame and reproach, in Jesus’ Name!
  • The blessing of life, health, Divine direction, peace and the overflow are your portion!
  • Every sickness in your life is overrun and swallowed up by the communion!
  • Every grave dug for you or your loved ones, those who dug it shall be buried inside!
  • Every coffin prepared for you or your loved ones is set on fire!
  • Systems are coming under pressure, they lose their sleep, peace and rest until all that is yours enters into your hands!
  • God is going to use you to surpass every contemporary in your realm!
  • In the place of your battle, you shall come out with the blessing!
  • What they said you cannot become, you shall become it and those that said you wouldn’t get there shall see it!
  • Everything that is a limitation in your life and destiny is arrested now!
  • Everything called a spell or curse that followed you into this year is broken!
  • A new day and season is upon you!
  • That thing that was a concern to you in 2023, I declare it expires now!
  • Everything that is not working in your life, I declare, they are working now!
  • What was oppressing you before, you shall oppress it!

Join Kingdom And Destiny Advancement Prayers (kadap) every 7.30am wat

Breaking of fast by Every 5.45pm wat


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David Nzubechukwu
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Be Blessing to many, share post.

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