TEXT:- PSALM 23: 6
PSALM 16:8-11
The Power of God is resident in His Presence
God cannot be present and His Power be absent
You don’t lack the Power of God if you don’t lack His Presence
Divine Presence carriers are Kingdom power brokers
The Presence of God tears down obstacles and blows up strongholds of opposition (Ps. 114:1-8; Isa. 64:1; Matt. 7:51-52)
Mountains liquefy and rocks dematerialise at the Almightiness of God
Matter ceases to matter at the instance of His Presence
The Presence of God creates openings where they were non-existent (Ps. 114:1-end; John 20:19-26.
If God is with you, He can’t be locked out or locked in.
Anywhere God arrives becomes a passage; be it a red sea, Jordan or wall
The Presence of God releases Divine Direction (Exo. 13:20-21; Ps. 89:15)
The Voice of direction is locatable in the Presence of God
The manifestation of God provokes direction from God
The Face of God carries light and one major provision of light is direction
Anywhere the Will of God is, is the best place to be; it is not a matter of the location but a matter of your revelation
The Presence of God activates Supernatural supplies (John 2:1-4; Luke 5:1-5)
The Presence of God transmits healing and miracle-producing virtue (Acts 10:38; Luke 6:19)
The Presence of God is a Supernatural river that flows with healing and miracle virtues.
The Presence of God is the natural atmosphere for the supernatural.
The Presence of God imparts life to the dead (Matt. 27:51-52.
The Presence of God is resurrective in capability
Death cannot coexist with His Presence because life flows naturally out of the Presence of God
The Presence of God imparts supernatural strength for victory in battle (Num. 23:21-22; 1Sam. 17:37)
Gods with a man is the key to unbeatable strength in life
Divine Presence carriers can never be weaklings in life
If God is with you, no battle can beat you; the Presence of God in your life equals the head of Goliath on the floor
The Presence of God executes judgement on enemy altars and installations (1Sam. 5:1-4)
The Presence of God creates new beginnings and new supplies (Gen. 1:1-5; John 2:1-11)
God can create a new position for you and cause an existing position to be vacated for you
The Presence of God releases and imparts the fragrance of Divine favour (Gen. 39:2, 21)
You can’t have God and lack favour, you can’t have favour and lack God
The Presence of God brings unmerited favour from both known and unknown quarters
The Presence of God brings the impartation of rest and peace (Exo. 33:14; Matt. 11:28-29)
The Presence of God is cure for tension, pressure and anxiety
The Presence of God brings the impartation of joy and satisfaction (Num. 23:21; Ps. 16:11)
The Presence of God is curative of depression and exasperation
Every blood sacrifice fighting my life, my destiny and my future, I neutralise by the Blood of Jesus on Calvary.
Every handwriting or ordinance, every blood speaking against my life, I silence you by the speaking Blood of Jesus and by His declaration on the Cross of Calvary where He said ‘It is finished’. I receive my freedom now in Jesus’ Name
In the Name of Jesus, everything in the wrong position in my life, shift now to the right position
From today, by the Power of His Presence; I reject the spell of empty-handedness. What is mine the devil is holding back from me, I receive in Jesus’ Name
Every stranger around my life, every entity not of God around my life, your tenure has expired. I order you out of my life in Jesus’ Name
Every mountain in my life, I command you in the Name of Jesus to melt!
Anything in your life that needs to be restored shall be restored in Jesus’ Name
Wherever the devil has confined you to, I decree you are coming out in Jesus’ Name
Any negative thing that has followed you from childhood is over forever
Every grave the devil has dug for you or your loved ones, you are coming out in Jesus’ Name
Everything that is not correctly positioned in your life that is malfunctioning and misbehaving shall be shifted in the right direction
Whatever is a negative inheritance from your father, it is cancelled
Every form of blood diseases, their tenure expires from your body and you are permanently healed in Jesus’ Name
Every extra cargo you are carrying as a result of sickness is discharged from your life
A miracle that will make you lose control, lose your gentility and composure and cause you to dance like you have never danced before shall happen for you in this season
Everything existing as a reproach in your life is leaving right now
Everything that needs to be clean out in your system is clean out now in the Name of Jesus
Any spirit of death looking for your life, they will never find you
Everything the enemy has tried to tamper with in your life, today they are corrected
Everything that has put your family, business or destiny into pressure, that pressure is dissolved now in Jesus’ Name
Everything that has occupied the space of your life in His Presence, they dissolve in Jesus’ Name
Every door you have been trying to enter that has refused to open, by reason of His Presence, the doors are opened for you now
I decree the way out is released for you anywhere it appears as though there is no way.
Everywhere your resources have been tied down is being released;
Your dry days are over.
Whatever is dead in your life is coming back alive
I prophesy life to every sector of the economy of this country in Jesus’ Name
Every weakness expires today in Jesus’ Name
That battle that have made people wonder and watch if you will win, you have won it already
Anything the devil rubbed on your body that makes people run from you is removed and the favour that makes you locate the right people is released
Anything that has made you not to sleep at night is swallowed up by the climate of His Presence
Today is the end of satanic markings on your body
Every demon of backwardness is broken now in Jesus’ Name
Today is the end of that dream of nakedness
I declare destruction of the agenda of the devil in your life
The spirit of bondage and slavery is broken from off your life
The hold of every spirit of rejection, disfavour, near-success syndrome over your life is broken now
Today is the end of every enemy accusation and litigation against you
Every occult destiny transfer -where somebody is shining with you destiny, is reversed today in Jesus’ Name
Every strange operation around your life is over in Jesus’ Name
Whatever has been termed impossible in your life, that impossibility is now made possible
Every destructive appetite in your life dies forever
Today you have stepped into a new day, a new season
Today is a day of total restoration
Today is your day of total liberty
Today is your day of fullness;
Empty-handedness is over forever
Today is your day of perfection; everything about your life that remains to be perfected shall be perfected
You have stepped into a new season and your darkness is lighted in Jesus’ Name.
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David Nzubechukwu
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